This is the first of four or so soundslides we will have to complete in our Photojourn II class. We are not checked out on the audio equipment yet so I was unable get natural sound which would be a lot better than my voice. Click here for the larger version which will make viewing the images much easier.
MLK March!
Color images were shot on Kodak E100G Vivid Saturation and the black and white image was shot with Tri-X 400 and processed in HC-110 Sol. B.

Charleston citizens watch as former President Clinton walks through the downtown market area.

I'm not sure about the cropping on this, it is full frame now, I might come in on it later. The light is bouncing off a heavily windowed building making it back lit with a front lit fill. I mainly like how it made the tree look.

This was in New Hope, Pennsylvania in an alley next to an interesting costume shop. Manikins. The toning needs a little more work as well, it was quite underexposed.

Holly Street Art Collection!
Waxahachie Texas!
This is a nice little town 30 minutes south of Dallas while I was visiting over the break. Apparently, it has been the location of several films, none of which I know the names of, IMDB it.
I in an antique store.
Men's restroom at a restaurant with delicious chicken sandwiches.
Waxahachie's Courthouse in the center of downtown.

A photo of scotty watching The Office (British) on the tele inspired from a photo (not shown) by Scotty.